
Showing posts from July, 2009

TNT doesn't like Mac users

I was sitting on the couch the other day and relaxing when my wife yelled to me from the other room: David! My Mac's not working! I love those highly specific descriptions of a problem. I asked for a little more clarity. I'm trying to watch a video and it's not working! I dragged myself off the couch and over to my wife's MacBook. She was on the TNT site and trying to watch an episode of Raising the Bar . She would click on "watch a full episode" and a blank screen would appear where the viewer normally would be. It was not immediately apparent what the problem was. A poorly installed codec? A broken web page? I rummaged around for a little while and found that the TNT support site stated that they didn't support Macs for viewing their shows . Why? Here's what the support site says: would like to apologize for not being able to accommodate Mac users. The issue is related to the Windows Media Player, specifically video with Digital Rights Manage...