Restore from backup - bringing a Mac back with Time Capsule
My brother called and told me my mom was in the hospital. At 80 her health has been declining pretty rapidly so I immediately booked a flight to California, planning to spend a week there to help my brother with both her and my father. Needless to say I had a lot on my mind as I rushed to the airport in the wee hours of a Tuesday morning last week. Back at home my wife's MacBook sat at her desk, left on overnight like she often did so that when she woke up in the morning a quick shake of the mouse would brighten the screen and allow her to check e-mail. From what I can tell in the hourly backup logs, at roughly the same time my aircraft lifted off the runway the 120GB hard disk in her MacBook crashed. When I checked in with my wife that night to update her on my mom's status, she told me that her MacBook was dead. Me: "Dead?" Allison: "It's just got a gray screen. I've tried restarting it and that's all that comes up." Of course, this has to happ...