Upgrading to a new MacBook Pro
We were sitting around the dinner table when my daughter called to tell us that her MacBook—which had loyally served her through he entire college career— had died . The hard drive was failing, she was three weeks from graduating and needed a solution quickly. My wife and I discussed options for how to deal with it and then she said something incredible: Wife: ″David, you’ve been talking about getting a new MacBook Pro. Why don’t you get it now and ship your older MacBook Pro down to her? She could have it tomorrow if you do this now.″ Wife: ″David? Where are you?!?″ Too late, I was already driving to the Apple store. The ″Problem″ With Macs When I was a Windows developer (1990 to 2008) I found myself upgrading my machine with pretty regular frequency. It wasn’t that the hardware was that far off the state of the art, it’s just that Windows had a tendency to degrade over time, to the point that within a year and a half the machine felt very sluggish. The normal solution wa