Adobe Photoshop or Pixelmator?

I've been looking for a Mac based image editor and was agonizing about what to do. I had been a long time Photoshop user and was quite comfortable with that product but the price was so steep and my use now so casual. I really only need it for basic photo retouching and simple graphic cuts for web sites. Given that, Photoshop's price seemed really high at a retail price of $649. The lowest price I found for CS3 was $289 and I would need my wife to use her teacher discount in order to get it and the site looked a little shaky. I decided instead I would look around.
My friend Bradley mentioned I should take a look at Pixelmator. I pulled it down and installed it and was immediately comfortable with it. It's effectively a nice light version of Photoshop. It's got layers and most of the tools and if you are a Photoshop user you will be immediately comfortable with it.
It's not without a couple of quirks - at times I find myself having to click several times to activate items but there are a number of possible reasons for it - since the UI is a series of palettes that sit on your desktop that may be my problem; I'm used to the Windows version of Photoshop where everything is contained within a master window.
That minor complaint aside, Pixelmator is excellent. I'll keep playing with the trial for now but at $59 it's hard not to see buying this.
Adobe is releasing Photoshop Elements 6.0 for the Mac sometime in April for $99
For lightweight Photoshop work it will be fine.
There's a program called GIMPshop that mimics the Photoshop interface with a GIMP core. I haven't used it much myself (I'm a pretty heavy Photoshop user), but I hear it's just the ticket for the Photoshop experience without the cost.