MacHeist 3 Bundle - some great apps

MacHeist is a collection of applications available for a dramatically reduced price. A significant portion of the proceeds go to a variety of 10 different charities, which you can designate when you purchase or simply let MacHeist evenly distribute to all.
I've heard some people complain that this devalues ISV software, a claim I find ridiculous. The single most challenging problem every ISV faces is getting people to learn about their software. The more people that are exposed to it, the more likely you are to "get the word out". It also gives the ISVs the opportunity to be associated with a really good cause; as I write this blog post over $342K have been raised for charities. Everyone wins in this scenario; the buyers gets a great deal, the ISVs get some great exposure and the charities get money at a time when donations have dropped precipitously during this economic recession.
That said, most people buy MacHeist not out of a desire to support a charity but because they see a great bargain on one or two applications in the collection, would likely pay $39 just for that application alone and then get a bunch of bonus applications too. The charity angle is another bonus. That was the case for me.
What I Really Liked

Those were my big three and easily worth the price of admission. Virtually all of the applications, with the notable exception of the bonus Big Bang Board Games collection, installed and worked fine. Big Bang Board Games apparently needs to phone home to its server in order to start up properly and the server was overwhelmed initially. That's very bad form in my book; I don't care for apps that phone home on startup but if you do that at least add in code that will fail gracefully, not bomb out the app.
If I was into cooking I'd likely enjoy SousChef, which really looks interesting. To paraphrase Richard Nixon however "I am not a cook", to say nothing of a chef. I love the ability to place your Mac in full screen "recipe" mode so that it becomes a partner in the kitchen.
As of today there are only 4 days left to purchase MacHeist. If you're thinking of buying it do it soon because if they cross the $400K donation mark to charity it will unlock BoinxTV, something I personally would really like to try out. In addition web development tool Espresso and task management tool The Hit List will be unlocked if they can sell enough copies.
Was there an application in the bundle that you really liked that I didn't mention? Drop a note in the comments and fill us in!
You can get it but tweeting some text on twitter _after_ you have purchased the bundle.
The addition of Delicious Library 2 pushed me over the top.
- The Hit List* is a fantastic task tracking tool.
- World of Goo (really, really well done game; and I'm not a fan of puzzle games either)
- Picturesque (very clever little graphic effects program)
- WireTap Studio (capture and manipulate audio)
I'll play with iSale, Delicious Library 2, Acorn, Kinemac, Boinx TV* and Espresso* but they're not something that calls out to me.
* when or if they're unlocked
In the brain games department have you tried Enigmo?
And they could care less how much our economy is suffering over here!!!!!!!
May not be for you, but the grandkids...? ;-)
They also just added Times:
@Chinkster: Grandkids?!? Well good morning to you too. ;-)
That "Loot" section in the forums took me forever to find.
Does $39 buy you the (unlocked) apps? Or do you have to undertake all sorts of missions as well (or are they just there for the fun of it)? I watched the first mission video and her bizarre Eastern European accent left me more confused than ever...
I'm pretty keen on Espresso - should it become available - but I'm buggered if I can work out what exactly is going on...
Well, there's always next year!
So besides all the cool techies stuff that SC can do, it is the bomb for importing all those loose recipes that you might have downloaded and named goodness knows what. Boy is it EASY to import a text recipe!!! Just open your recipe, click and drag to copy the text. Go to SC, click import, the text shows up without even pasting! Then just click and drag different portions of the text and label as ingredients, directions, name, chef/show, category, as little or as much as you want. IT'S DONE! Also handy substitutions and conversions.
Great Mother's Day gift!
As Mudman said the loot is part of the rewards for participating in the missions which is one of the great things about MacHeist. The loot is on the dashboard at\welcome.